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I am allowed to guide some post doctorate studies, as a Universities Professor.

In France, the only diploma at post doctorate level is the "habilitation Ã  diriger des recherches" which is not linked to a study program at post doctorate level! So with no study programs, things are not easy (for instance to ask for a visa). Second, the possession of this diploma of "habilitation à diriger des recherches" is obligatory for the candidates to a concourse for french University Professor. So it is not easy to succeed an autorisation for this diploma from the french university.

In fact it is better to count with a post doctorate study without diploma. In the French University, I do not have the minimum infrastructure to offer a "presential post doctorate program" in good conditions. But the post doctorate program can be at distance. At the end of a post doctorate, I may provide an attestation as a Universities Professor.

In Fernando Pessoa University, (Porto Portugal) there is a post doctorate program, so everything becomes possible: the university offers an official status, infrastructure and diploma from the University. If you are interested, do not hesitate to make a contact.
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