- PEST Analysis
- Political
- Funding, grants and initiatives
- Home market lobbying/pressure groups
- Inter-country relationships/attitudes
- Internal political issues
- International pressure groups
- Shareholder/ stakeholder needs/ demands
- Environmental
- Consumer confidence index
- Customer/end-user drivers
- Interest and exchange rates
- International trade/monetary issues
- Market routes and distribution trends
- Overseas economies and trends
- Seasonality/weather issues
- Specific industry factors
- Taxation changes specific to product/services
- Social
- Advertising and publicity
- Attitudes
- People doing certain types of work
- Brand, company, technology image
- Changes to education system
- Law changes affecting social factors
- Major events and influences
- Technological
- Associated/dependent technologies
- Competing technology development
- Consumer buying mechanisms/technology
- Health (pharmaceutical, equipment, etc.)
- Intellectual property issues
- Replacement technology/solutions
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