Financing an innovation network structure there collaboration? |
The French "Pôles de competitivité" is a mechanism from the french government for enterprise, project selection for financing and grant. Does the finance structure the domain (augment collaboration, join venture). Or is it a just a selection process do distribute less ressource, using the selection process as an excuse? And asking finance together is a way to really structure a collaboration, or is it justa anopportumist collaboration to get grants? Normally is the collaboration is true, the communication should be similar to the communication within the project to get grant. To try to answer this uestion, we crawled the web site of one of the biggest "Pole de compétitivité "Solutions Communicantes Sécurisées"
The Region "Provence Alpes Cote-d'Azur" adapted the mechanism at a regional level. They are grants to try to federate the energies over a productive sector inside the regional geographical perimeter. One of this PRIDES is "Solutions Communicantes Sécurisées", so that they have a double label. So we can try to answer also if it is a good strategy, at the regional level to give grant for a national level? Will it gives visibility, or not, of the regional actions. The strategic position of the "Solutions Communicantes Sécurisées" pôle, officially is to build networks:
"Favoriser l’émergence de projets innovants et collaboratifs sur les thématiques prioritaire du Pôle SCS, qui sont : (Connectivité, Identité, Mobilité, Traçabilité) . Accompagner les acteurs et leur projet jusqu’à la phase de labellisation. Favoriser l’intégration des PME aux projets du Pôle . Ancrer durablement les activités de R&D par : la création de plateformes technologiques mutualisées, facteur d’accélération de l’innovation; la création de centres d’innovation et d’usage ou vitrines technologiques représentatives des marchés phares du Pôle : santé, tourisme, logistique pour développer notre rayonnement international. Contribuer ainsi à la construction d’un écosystème structuré favorisant le développement des NTIC" This pole has 288 members. The key point of this work is to try to point out the consequencies of this action on the link between the envolved actors. We first assume that the communication acts must be in coherence with politicals, stratégic and supported decisions. This means that the web sites of the involved actors should be interconnected. Verifying "by hand" is nearly impossible, thus there are 288 actors in the network. Verify all the pages of the 288 websites to pick up the pages that interconnects them would take a lot of time. So to verify this, we had to find softwares able to collect the datas, to rearange them in a way they can be published on the web... Collecting the data. The UrlNet python library was used to collect the links between the sites. As a starting point we used the "officilal members" list in the "Solutions Communicantes Sécurisées" Website. Spiding the list of web sites forced to explore, at the 6th level 30446 web pages from 2053 domains. Those domains are interconnected by 2795 links. When reduced, taking out recursively the links with degree less than two, the graph includes 383 domains, and 1125 links. 3D positionning To perform a good representation, we decided to provide the results in a 3D space. The urlnet libray has an export to the Pajek software. This network analysis software include a 3D positionning using the well known Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm. But it must be mentioned that very few 3D implementation os this algorith exists. Publishing the Results The difficulty of leading with 3D results is to publish the results in an attractive way. The best one is really web publishing with the possibility to "play with the data" (Rotate, Zoom, Translate) and finally use the application to go navigating on the web. The Javaview applet is very good to perform this. They kindly adapted the applet to accept Pajek files directly. First Results The down representation is the first obtained of the "interlinks" between the web sites of this PRIDES. Press right mouse button to select major interaction mode from popup menu, or use keyboard keys to temporarily switch between different modes (just keep a button pressed to switch mode temporarily). Some essential modes are: