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Video & Audio books for competitive intelligence

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Video on Luc Quoniam's website

media literacy

A Portal to media literacy. Author Michael Wesch. Presented at the University of Manitoba. 17 June 2008

Competitive intelligence

CI na UFP. Encontro Luso-Frances. Competitive Intelligence. Universidade Fernando Pessoa. 16 Fev 2009

Telecentros de informacao e negocios brasileiro. Projeto pensado por Jose Rincon Ferreira e sediado no MDIC brasileiro ate 2009. Brilhante exemplo de Intelligencia Territorial

TV Senado debates with Luc Quoniam and Isa Maria Freire, 31/07/2008, Portuguese

EADS & CI EADS and Competitive Intelligence. Jean Louis Gergorin. 29 July 2008

France 24: Alain Juillet, Senior Director in charge of Competitive Intelligence, is the guest of the France 24 Interview on the eve of France's first conference on Competitive Intelligence held in Paris on October 2 and 3 2008

Shangai Business TV: interviews Henri DOU. 2006. in English.

Alain Juillet in Avignon, 11/05/2006. competitive pole, French, only audio

Table Ronde in Avignon, 11/05/2006. Y Bayon de Noyer, H. Dou, A Juillet. about competitive poles, French, only audio

H. DOU CI Audiobook

Part 1: General presentation of Competitive Intelligence, background and orientations. Henri DOU. Audio book. 2009.

Part 2a: Various methods and tools used in Competitive Intelligence. Henri DOU. Audio book. 2009.

Part 2b: Various methods and tools used in Competitive Intelligence. Henri DOU. Audio book. 2009.

Part 3: Examples of application of Competitive Intelligence and Competitive Technical Intelligence in various countries. Henri DOU. Audio book. 2009.

Part 4: The French policy of Competitive Intelligence (Ecnomic Intelligence) - The French Poles of Competitiveness Experience. Henri DOU. Audio book. 2009.

Part 5: How to develop a Competitive Intelligence Unit in your Company or Institution. Henri DOU. Audio book. 2009.

Competitive Intelligence in Fernando Pessoa University

Encontro Luso-Frances. Competitive Intelligence. Universidade Fernando Pessoa. 16 Fev 2009

RTP 2009-04-20: Estratega frances defende inteligencia competitiva. Face à crise economica mundial, alguns Estados estao a anunciar medidas de proteccao aos produtos nacionais. 2009-04-20 13:29:3

Porto Canal: fala da CI na UFP. Encontro Luso-Frances. Competitive Intelligence. Universidade Fernando Pessoa. 16 Fev 2009

CI tools

How to write the competitive analysis section of your business plan. Publicity from growthink

How to write an executive summary. Publicity from growthink

Online CI Tools. It goes very fast!!! Scrappy business


Information revolution by Michael Wesch

The machine is using us by Michael Wesch


Education Today and Tomorrow. This video was created by Tom Woodward of Henrico County schools in Virginia. Tom used the work of Karl Fisch from Colorado who created a PPT using various quotes and statistics from "flat world" thinking. Used with permission

Something Worth Leaving Behind. Portuguese with english legend. O document�rio tem por objetivo fomentar o ambiente colaborativo visando a melhoria da situação dos cursos de design brasileiros. A estr�ia do trabalho foi durante o 18o Encontro Nacional dos Estudantes de Design, realizado em Manaus-AM entre os dias 01 e 07 de junho de 2008

Did you know? 21st century learning toolsfor the classroom. Howie DiBlasi. 06-2007

3 Steps for 21st Century Learning. Jackie Halaw

Digital native

A vision of the studends today. by Michael Wesch

A vision of K-12 students today. by B. Nesbitt

Connected classroom by Kristin Hokanson

Web 2.0 Summit 08. 5-7 November, San Francisco. Kevin Kelly, Wired

YouTube: An anthropological introduction to YouTube. Michael Wesh. 23 June 2008. Library of congress

Web 2019: The futur of the Web Uses and interfaces in 2019. Microsoft


A bug's life: Leadering and motivating teams. Portugues. Ubiratan Carlos Machado

Conquistando: o impossivel. Leadering and motivating teams. Portugues

O problema nao e meu. That's not my problem. motivating teams. Portugues

Quem mexu no meu queijo.

Who moved my cheese

Qui a pique mon bloc de sel.


Cramped cubicle Bureau paysage


They want you but do you want?

Attack is the best form of defence

Beware the apparences

Life is better with animals



Out of the box


Digital retards