Engineering for education
The application of the fundamental principles of french higher education, teaching supported by research, has led me, after an teaching experience at the level of DEA and PhD, to ask and obtain the creation in 1998 of a long-distance Teaching (New Information Technology for Development of Business - Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information pour le Développement des Entreprises : NTIDE at the Université Aix-Marseille III). I designed this innovative teaching program, with a one year duration, including an intensive use the News Information Technologies (Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information - NTIC) and meant for employees in order to help them improve the integration of NTIC into professional activity.
Figure 1 – Number of students at the NTIDE teaching
The growth and dynamization of the research team, as well as the validation of pedagogical innovation demonstrated by NTIDE teaching, has led us to design an IUP (Multimedia and Internet Engineering - Ingénierie de l’Internet et du Multimédia) at the University of Toulon et du Var (http://www.ingemedia.net/). Such a teaching is managed since september 2002 by a team with a savoir-faire (know-how) dedicated to information and communication science. The IUP Ingémédia created project managers within the domain of new technologies. Teaching is articulated as one year as distance learning, one year conventional learning, and finally one year in alternation within firms.
These two formations have been restructured by during the European « LMD » reform, but they still exist in 2010. Ingemedia is now a component of the Sud Toulon Var University with nearly 400 students, and includes several masters.
- Very early, we understood the importance of dissemination of the competitive intelligence concept. I partcipate actively of an international program to introduce competitive intelligence in Brazil. The program "CEIC" began in 1996 . It stopped in 2000 because of a slander. We had to wait 2007 for an rehabilitation "official" of this action. But the cooperation went on up to 2010, because of the time for a PhD conclusion. The next table shows the involved number of students and localisation, and figure 2 shows the localisation on a brasilian map.
Program CEIC |
Rio de Janeiro |
BrasĂlia |
Salvador |
Natal |
Belo Horizonte |
PhD |
Univ/inst. |
1996 |
12 |
12 |
1997 |
13 |
13 |
2 |
1998 |
17 |
27 |
44 |
9 |
1999 |
27 |
33 |
22 |
82 |
14 |
2000 |
19 |
26 |
21 |
20 |
22 |
108 |
33 |
2001 |
12 |
1 |
2002 |
3 |
2003 |
1 |
2004 |
2 |
2005 |
1 |
2006 |
1 |
2009 |
2 |
2010 |
1 |
88 |
86 |
43 |
20 |
22 |
259 |
70 |
12 |
2 - Localisation of the CEIC action on a map of Brazil
During my contract as a visiting professor in Fernando Pessoa University (Porto, Portugal), I designed a master in competitive Intelligence. This master was acredited, in 2008, by the Portuguese higher education ministry. I also designed, in the same university, the program " corporate university" to help the SME, SMI to implement a lifelong education. Finaly I also designed the " UFP academy", a corporate university for lifelong education of university professors.
Subjects of Courses
Data analysis, bibliometrics, scientometrics DESS GDIST (-1996)
Data analysis, bibliometrics, scientometrics DEA Strategical Information (-1998)
Bibliometrics, Master Degrees, Engineering Schools (-today)
Sensibilization to Information Sciences Master Degrees, DESS (-1998)
Modelling of biological systems DEA Sea Environment (-1996)
Modelling of information systems DEA Chemical Engineering (-1998)
Statistics and Data analysis DU Computer Engineering (-1996)
Computer science DEUG (1992-1994)
Collection, organization, treatment of information IUT SERECOM / UTV (1998-2000)
Competitive, Economic Territorial Intelligence MIET/USTV (2004-)
EAC5846 FEA/USP Universide de Sao Paulo (Brasil) (2005-2007)
Responsible of the "Master professionnel Intelligence économique et territoriale" (MIET) in the ingémédia institute of the Toulon's University (2005-2006 and 09/2009-)
Lifelong training
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Marseille (-1989)
Professional Training in Organizations (-today)
Banco do Brazil, Petrobras (2003-2004)
International short courses
Chine : (Shangai Juillet 2007, 2008), au Maroc : Haute Ecole de Management Marrakech (2007) Casablanca (2008,2009), en Tunisie : Chambre de Commerce de Gafsa (2007), Indonésie : Université de Manado (2005), Vietnam (Hanoi 2008), Malaisie Open University of Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur 2009) |
Administrative experiences
At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ service 1 st September 2000 – 1 st September 2004
Attaché for Science and Technology next to the French Consulate in São Paulo (Brazil),
Director of the Centre franco-brésilien de Documentation Technique et Scientifique (CenDoTeC)
Establishment of financial autonomy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The richness and intensity of the contact I’ve had with Brazil for many years within the domains of Information and Communication Sciences, as a teacher as well as a researcher, have led me to ask for my dismissal from the National Education of my country for the 2000-2004 period, so as to become Director of CenDoTeC (French-Brazilian Technical and Scientific Documentation Centre) as well as Collaboration Attaché for Science and Technology next to the General French Consulate in São Paulo (Brazil). The function of CenDoTeC can be defined as an inter-country Competitive Intelligence centre. It is one of the few remaining centres after the suppression, by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, of the regulations of the CEDUST (Centres de Développement Universitaires Scientifique et Technique – Scientifical and Technical Universitary Development Centres), which has taken place in 1999. After a first restructuring phase (removal, 1 dismissal, 3 hirings, reequipment), an activity-expanding phase was undertaken (increase in competences and means, development of projects). The last consolidation and audit phase has allowed for a tenfold increase in the range of the establishment. |